BMR(Basal Metabolic Rate) is the amount of energy our body requires per unit time when we are physically and psychologically inactive.
In simple words, BMR is the energy that our body consumes in doing things such as breathing, brain and nerve functioning, muscle functioning, cell growth and all.
How to calculate BMR value of the body:
There are different methods to calculate your BMR of the body. You can use an electronic BMR checker or you can check it by yourself using the BMR formulae. But because it is related to your fitness and health of the body, it is recommended to contact any health specialist or go for clinical testing under supervision.
Methods to calculate your BMR:
There are generally two methods to calculate your BMR:
- Using electronic BMR checker
- By manually calculating the BMR value using formulae.
Electronic BMR checker
An electronic BMR checker or simply BMR calculator is a tool that is used to calculate the BMR value of the body though not accurately because while checking the BMR of the body certain conditions should be satisfied like a thermally neutral environment and physical and mental stability of the body.
manually calculating the BMR value using formulae
There are three important formulae used to check the BMR value of the body:
- Mifflin-St. Jeor formula
- Katch-McArdle formula
- Revised Harris-Benedict formula
Mifflin-St. Jeor formula
Mifflin-St. Jeor formula for male:
BMR value = 10* weight in kg+ 6.25 * height in cm - 5* aage in years +5
Mifflin-St. Jeor formula for female:
BMR value = 10* weight in kg+ 6.25 * height in cm - 5* aage in years -161.
Katch-McArdle formula
This formula is same for both males and females.
BMR value = 370+ 21.7(1- value of body fat percent)*weight in kg
Revised Harris-Benedict formula
Revised Harris-Benedict formula for male:
BMR value = 13.39* weight in kg+4.79* height in cm - 5.67* aage in years +88.362
Revised Harris-Benedict formula for female:
BMR value = 9.24* weight in kg+ 3.09 * height in cm - 4.33* aage in years -447.59
For your convenience, we are providing you a free BMR calculator:
Check your BMR here
Modify the value and click the calculate button to use
Age :
Height :
Weight :
Height :
Weight :
BMR : Calories/dayFor MEN:
Modify the value and click the calculate button to use
Age :
Height :
Weight :
Height :
Weight :