BMR calculator

BMR calculator

BMR calculator, an electronic device, helps you in determining BMR(Basal Metabolic Rate) of your body. It uses some of your body parameters like body weight, height, age and gender. A BMR calculator helps you to balance your metabolic rate to be healthy and fit.


Modify the value and click the calculate button to use

Gender :
Age :    

Height :

Weight :


BMR : Calories/day

 For MEN:

Modify the value and click the calculate button to use

Gender :
Age :    

Height :

Weight :


BMR : Calories/day

What is BMR?

BMR(Basal Metabolic rate) is a measure of consumption of energy per unit time by our body when we are not doing any work at all. In a more general term, it is the amount of energy our body uses when we are in sleep, or just sitting on the sofa or resting anywhere.

'Measuring your BMR using the BMR calculator does not give you accurate results because it should satisfy some requirements including a thermally controlled neutral environment and inactive physical and psychological state of a person.'

BMR calculator


It is true that calculating your BMR on any device may not be accurate but it gives you an idea about the BMR of your body that helps in maintaining your body fitness.

Let us take an example to give you in-depth knowledge about BMR:

Let us take your example. Suppose you are 18 years old and you do a lot of stuff like playing, reading, writing, drawing or running and so on. But what are the things you do or more specifically your body do when you fall asleep or when resting on the couch, think. Yes, you are right the things your body does when you are in a resting state includes breathing, muscle functioning, brain and nerve functioning, cell growth, nail growth and all. These things require energy. BMR is exactly the required amount of energy.

We hope, now you have understood about the BMR term. Now, let us discuss how you can calculate it manually.

How to calculate BMR :

There are generally three famous formulae which are used in calculating BMR of your body-

  • Mifflin-St. Jeor formula
  • Katch-McArdle formula
  • Revised Harris-Benedict formula

Mifflin-St. Jeor formula

Mifflin-St. Jeor formula for male:

BMR value = 10* weight in kg+ 6.25 * height in cm - 5* aage in years +5

Mifflin-St. Jeor formula for female:

BMR value = 10* weight in kg+ 6.25 * height in cm - 5* aage in years -161.

Katch-McArdle formula

This formula is same for both males and females.

BMR value = 370+ 21.7(1- value of body fat percent)*weight in kg

Revised Harris-Benedict formula

Revised Harris-Benedict  formula for male:

BMR value = 13.39* weight in kg+4.79* height in cm - 5.67* aage in years +88.362

Revised Harris-Benedict  formula for female:

BMR value = 9.24* weight in kg+ 3.09 * height in cm - 4.33* aage in years -447.59

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