BMI calculator
Before going any further details about BMI calculator, first, let us discuss 'What is BMI?'.
What is BMI?
BMI is known as the Body Mass Index.
Generally, BMI(Body Mass Index) is used to measure the healthy body weight of a kid according to their height and age. For measuring BMI, we use BMI(Body Mass Index) calculators to understand the healthy body weight of a kid on the basis of certain standard values.
A BMI calculator is a device that is used to measure the BMI(Body Mass Index) value in kids. A BMI calculator uses some parameters of the body including age and gives you the value of BMI.
What is a BMI calculator?
A BMI calculator is a device that is used to measure the BMI(Body Mass Index) value in kids. A BMI calculator uses some parameters of the body including age and gives you the value of BMI.
Calculate your BMI
Body Mass Index Calculator
Enter your height:Enter your weight:
Your BMI is: ?
This means you are: ?
Steps to calculate BMI:
Step 1.
In the first step, you need to measure the height using a measuring tape.
Step 2.
In the next step, put the value of your height in the "Enter your height" section of the calculator keeping in mind the measuring unit.
Step 3.
In the 3rd step, measure your body weight using the weight machine.
Step 4.
In the 4th step, put the value of your weight in the "Enter your weight" section of the calculator keeping in mind the measuring unit.
Step 5.
In the final step, press the "computeBMI" button to know the result.
Standards for BMI:
There are different standards of BMI for different ages of people.
According to WHO:
Standards for adult(>20):
For BMI values less than 16 (<16) ⇒ kid is severely thin.
For BMI values from 16-17 ⇒ kid is moderately thin.
For BMI values from 17-18.5 ⇒ kid has mild thinness.
For BMI values from 18.5-25 ⇒ kid is normal.
For BMI values from 17-18.5 ⇒ kid has mild thinness.
For BMI values from 18.5-25 ⇒ kid is normal.
For BMI values from 25-30 ⇒ kid is overweight.
For BMI values from 30-35 ⇒ obese-I
For BMI values from 35-40 ⇒ obese-II
For BMI values greater than 40(>40) ⇒ obese-III.
For BMI values from 30-35 ⇒ obese-I
For BMI values from 35-40 ⇒ obese-II
For BMI values greater than 40(>40) ⇒ obese-III.
According to the CDC(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention):
Standards for kid and teens(<20):
If the percentile range of BMI is less than 5(<5%)⇒ kid is underweight.
If the percentile range of BMI is from 5-85(5-85%)⇒ kid is healthy
If the percentile range of BMI is from 85-95(85-95%)⇒ kid is at a risk of overweight.
If the percentile range of BMI is greater than 95%(>95%)⇒ kid is overweight.
If the percentile range of BMI is greater than 95%(>95%)⇒ kid is overweight.
How BMI calculator for kids is helpful for weight management?
BMI calculator helps us in finding the value of BMI in kids. According to the result given by BMI calculator, we can find whether kids are underweight, overweight or obese.
With the use of BMI calculator, we can manage our diet according to the result to make us fit and healthy.
Side-effects of being overweight:
Being overweight can cause many side-effects and severe health conditions in kids. Some of them are mentioned below:
- High blood pressure
- Gall bladder disease
- Diabetes Type-II
- Heart problems
- Lowering of good cholesterol
- Breathing Problems
- Body-aches
- Mental illness like anxiety and stress.
Side-effects of being underweight:
Not just being overweight but being underweight also causes many health problems in kids. Some of them are mentioned below:
- Reduction of the immune system
- Vitamin deficiency
- Anemia
- Disturbed menstrual cycle in girls is a major disease due to underweight.
- Osteoporosis (weakness of bones)
- Malnutrition
- High mortality rate.
Why there is a need to check BMI?
For being healthy, one should always check for it's BMI.
BMI(Body Mass Index) value for our body tells us whether we are underweight, overweight or obese.
According to BMI results, we then discuss whether we should do more effort or we are already fit and fine.